Friday 16 September 2011

Group Music Video

Today we were set the task of creating a music video between the class for the song "Hey Ya" by Andre 3000. The song was split into sections for each of the groups to go and film their own parts in order to edit them together to make a whole music video.

This was our first chance at filming part of a music video where we will have to edit the footage in time with the song so that we can see the difficulties of lip-syncing. As well as this we were also given the chance to use the new equipment including a fish-eye lens, curved mini motion cam, cam-frame, track & dolly and also a green screen.

We enjoyed using the equipment such as the track & dolly because it gave us the opportunity for smooth movement in our video which we would like to replicate in our actual music video. The cam-frame also gave us consistent steady shots in the form of handi-cam. We would like to use movement in our music video and this equipment will allow us to do so with much ease.
Our group found that the task was very useful for us to find out the difficulties of lip-syncing and the fact that we were able to use the new equipment, will hopefully give us further ideas of the types of shots we may want to use in our actual music video. We also realised that if we are to film band performance shots, we will need the band to play the actual track as otherwise it will not sync when editing. Finally, we have noticed the importance of planning shots as it is beneficial to know what we are filming in advance of the shoot.

This task as a whole has meant we have gained experience in shooting music videos that we did not have previously. We have learnt that we must plan our shoot more effectively and allow us plenty of time to film. We are looking forward to now filming our actual music video.

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